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About Us

Directorate of Cultural Affairs, Bihar is working with its focused approach in protecting and preserving the cultural heritage of the State. In order to maintain cultural vibrancy across the nation, department launches schemes which are functional in all the districts. The cultural event calenderisation of the department shows diversified programmes organized by all the districts across the years. To create cultural environment in the State, different types of cultural events, festivals, seminars and workshops are organized every year e.g. Bihar Foundation Day, District Foundation Day, Youth Festival, Sangeet Sandhya etc. are few programmes organised in all the districts of Bihar. For the promotion in development of Navodit and Established artist programmes like Shanibahar, Sukragulzar, Special Sukragulzar, Sangeet Bihan, Sangeet Sandhya and Kala Mangal are being organised in State headquarter. Moreover, several mahotsavas are also being organized which includes Bihar mahotsava, Vidyapati mahotsava (Samastipur), Kesharia mahotsav (East Champaran) Balmiki mahotsav & Nandangarh mahotsav (West Champaran) Ang mahotsav (Munger) Veer Kunwar Singh Vijayotsav (Patna, Ara and Jagdishpur) Vishwamitra mahotsav (Buxar) Shershah Suri mahotsav (Kaimur) Harihar Khetra mahotsav (Sonepur) etc. Many other cultural events are also organized at in popular fairs of the State, such as Shrawani mela, Sonepur mela etc. Cultural programmes are also organized on the occasions of different religious celebrations and centenary celebrations. Art exhibitions, painting workshops, sculptural workshops, seminars as well as programmes belonging to different genres of performing art and visual art are being promoted by the department every year. Besides organizing cultural program, department is also generating awareness among the people residing in sensitive districts affected by naxalism and also sensitising community on several social issues through nuked natak. Under the scheme of “Aap ki Sarkar Aap ke Dwar” Cultural Programmes are organised in Extremist affected areas.

Our vision

To envision and address the necessity of preserving the threads of rich Bihar Art and Cultural heritage at national and international level through its holistic development approach

Our Mission

To work for the welfare of artists and establish the cultural footprint of Bihar at national as well as international level.

Our Objective

  • To keep the rich cultural tradition of the state intact and to develop the cultural environment along with the promotion of art culture in the state.
  • Establish folk crafts and folk culture of the state at international level.
  • Preserving and promoting various disciplines of visual arts along with visual arts.
  • Protection of folk art of the state and development of theatre in the state and encouraging artists.
  • To provide art galleries to state artists for excellent stage and visual art.
  • To sustain cultural activities through voluntary institutions in the state.