Call: 0612 - 2219213
Over the years BSFDFC has worked with some of the most acclaimed filmmakers of India including Satyajit Ray, Mira Nair, Aparna Sen, Shyam Benegal, Govind Nihalani, Mrinal Sen, Richard Attenborogh, Adoor Gopalkrishnan and Ketan Mehta. BSFDFC is breaking new grounds by co-producing projects involving public-private partnerships. BSFDFC facilitates line production services of shooting in India and animation services of overseas clients. BSFDFC organizes Film Bazaar India- a co-production and distribution market for the South Asian region alongside the International Film Festival of India, Goa.
BSFDFC aims at fostering excellence in cinema and promoting the diversity of its culture by supporting and encouraging films made in various Indian languages.
To create domestic and global appreciation and celebration of the independent Indian cinema.
To develop talent and to facilitate the growth of Indian cinema in all languages through productions and co-productions, script development and need based workshops
To promote Indian culture through cinema in India and overseas
To build a lean and flexible organisation responsive to the needs of the Indian film industry.
To take over, run and manage such of those Cinemas that may be handed over to the Corporation by the Government of Bihar
To carry on the business of proprietors, managers, distributors, organizers, lessors, lessees, hirers, and exhibitors of theatres, cinemas, picture-palaces and concert-halls, and to provide for the production, representation, and performance whether by mechanical means or otherwise of operas, stage plays, ballets, spectacular pieces, and other concerts, and other musical and dramatic performances and entertainments and for such purposes to tenter into agreements with authors or other persons for the dramatic or other rights of operas, plays, films, operettas, ballets, pantomimes, spectacular pieces, musical compositions, and other dramatic and musical performances and entertainments, or for the representation thereof in India and elsewhere and to enter into engagements of all kinds with artists and other persons.
To produce motion pictures, T.V. Films and programs, plays on all subjects talking as well as silent cartoons, news topical, commercial and educational films and to carry on the business of producers, distributors, exhibitors, promoters of cinematographic films and Talkies of every description in all their branches and to do all things necessary and expedient in connections with these businesses.
To aid, counsel, assist, finance, to provide technical and financial assistance in connection with film production and running of cinemas and theatres, to provide guarantee for finance/promote the construction, running, maintenance, management of theatres, cinemas, concert halls, picture palaces, touring talking film production studies, laboratories, workshop, academy bureau, Mobile shooting and sound vans and to encourage local dialects, local artists and local shootings.
To manufacture, make, purchase, import or export, to take on hire or otherwise acquire and deal in films, cameras, projectors, sound recording and reproducing machines, phonographic other musical apparatus, instruments, accessories and gramophone records, undertaking, processing and developing of negatives, positive printing and all other kind of photochemical work, and to carry on the business of photograph artists, painters, designers, engravers, printers, films, books, music, songs, dramas of every description.
To build, erect, construct, purchase, take on lease or hire, reform, alter, improve or otherwise acquire and maintain film production studios, laboratories, workshops and all other kinds of buildings and install necessary machinery and other equipment and conveniences for the purposes of the Company's trade.